Thursday, October 31, 2019


HOW THE STRATEGIC EMEGENCE OF WALMART HAS AFFECTED MANAGING THEIR TRADE FROM 2011 TILL DATE - Essay Example These included the government operations, competitive position as well other changes from the competitors. Additionally, the reasons that led to its implementation and the different ways with which it was implemented were considered. In this case, the research looked back as to what made it necessary for the Walmart company to come up with the said strategic emergence. They included the challenges and shortcomings that led to the need for change. It also analyzed how the strategic emergence was formulated and implemented and the specific areas that were to be affected by the change. Ultimately, it concentrated on these areas to find out whether the expected change took place or not. This was performed on a step by step basis from the time that the changes were implemented in 2011 and the development that have been observed from that time to the present time. In turn, various solutions were offered in those areas upon which positive outcomes were not realized as a consequence of the e xecution of the strategic emergence (Sieber, 1993, p.14). Some of the factors that determined the choice of research method included reliability and validity. This implied that the results obtained were true, undisputable and could be easily confirmed. As such, the kind of research technique that was used in this research was the qualitative study method because there was a need to provide an insight into the setting of the strategic emergence that was developed at Walmart. This was to help in the generation of ideas and to provide answers for the hypothesis. It was also used in grouping similar results and summing them up to get an overall answer in the form of the quantitative research that was to be used later in the results part of the study. With this, the main reason for using the qualitative design was to reveal the prevalent trends in both thought and opinion with regard to the effect of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Edmund Husserl's Cartesian Meditations (topic upon your own decision) Essay

Edmund Husserl's Cartesian Meditations (topic upon your own decision) - Essay Example Edmund Husserl's is one such philosopher who lived in the more modern world. His work was concerned about phenomena and how the human mind interacts with it. In his book titled Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology, Edmund Husserl (1960) introduces a number of significant philosophical thoughts. One of the most prominent of these is transcendental phenomenology in which the author gives a new way of analysing phenomena. This kind of thinking looks at phenomena from a different point of view. Although Edmund’s views can be seen as having been inspired by Rene Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician in the 17th century, Edmund’s theories on phenomena seen to be developed in contrast to what Descartes developed. This can be particularly seen in his transcendental phenomenology which tries to see phenomena in a very different way. Unlike Descartes, Edmund and his school of thought argued that phenomenal can be seen in different dimensions (Husser l, 1960). In fact, Edmund argued that it is possible to take a phenomenal and strip it down to its very essence. In other words, transcendental phenomenology as developed by Edmund postulates that with regard to phenomena, there are those elements which are essential for that phenomenon to exist and there are those which are merely conceptual as conceived by human beings. To be able to separate the essential from the conceptual, Edmund used eidetic reduction. Eidetic Reduction Eidetic reduction is a process by which phenomena can be stripped to its basic essential aspects, without changing it. Eidetic reduction is a conceptual tool that can be used to understand Edmund’s transcendental phenomenology as a way to understand phenomena. Eidetic reduction can be traced back to Descartes. Descartes used a block of wax phenomena as a way to explain the layers of phenomena. For example, the wax can be experienced by the five senses in regard to its shape and the space it occupies, th e smell it exudes, the texture, its opaqueness etc. However, by heating up the block of wax, these properties of the wax can be changed without changing it into another object. In other words, once the wax has been heated up, it will lose its texture, its shape, space and its opaqueness will be changed to transparency. Yet, even after all these characteristics have been changed, the wax will continue to be wax. This means that the block of wax is perceived in two particular ways. The first is one the essential properties of the wax and the second one are the perceived or non essential properties of the wax. Edmund argued that the same can be applied with regard to people’s thoughts. In other words, people’s thoughts can be seen to have both the essential aspects of phenomena and other aspects of phenomena which are more conceptual or perceptual. Using eidetic reduction however, Edmund argues that these thoughts can be stripped down to their basic or essential details. The importance of this kind of stripping is that it leads to a more practical reality, as opposed to when phenomena is understood while it is still shrouded in non-essential properties. Edmund was an essentialist in that he believed that phenomena should be understood in its very essence without being affected by the other factors. However, with regard to ph

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Types Of Organisational Change

Types Of Organisational Change My bank is a medium type bank. A new change was introduced during the years 1990 and 2003. The changes introduced to the bank are as followers. The first one was bottom-up-approach and the second was top-down-approach. Senior executives of the bank convinced that it was the right time to bring the change for the benefaction of the bank. Therefore, they introduced quality improvement program, which could reduce cost, by using the existing staff to improve quality and customer service. They brought consultants from abroad. Top level believed that the middle level could enlighten the bottom level employees. However, both the approaches for implementing change failed. Some employees could not accept the new change; the workload was increased and when the new ideas were introduced to the middle management level, there was no response. The senior management had failed its intensions to mobilize middle management commitment and local staff enthusiasm. Force field analysis provides an initial view of change problems that need to be tackled, by identifying forces for and against change based on an understanding of the context of change including the existing culture (Johnson et al. 2008). The distinctive feature of force-field analysis is that it involves organizing the categories in to two board types; those relating to force or pressure for change and those relating to forces or pressures supporting the status quo and resisting change. Lewin (1951) argue that, level of behaviour in any situation as the result of a force field comprising a balance of the forces pushing for change and the forces resisting change. Force Field Diagram Driver Force Restraining Force Quality Improvement Work -Load Cost Reduction Top Level Management External Environment Staffs Technology Training Consultants Recommendation Present Scenario (Hazyes, 2010:129) cccPKNBKMV There are different key drivers can found in the My bank case study. However, technology is the best key driver in the My bank case. All other key drivers related to the technology. Anderson and Tushman (YEAR) point out that technological change is cyclical. Each technology cycle begins with a technological discontinuity. Cost reduction, quality improvement, external environments connected to the technology. If technology will not change other drivers cannot Change in fast way. Different kinds of restrain factors present in the case study. The top-level management like chef executives were the main reason for the failure of the change. Other staffs did not get any support from the top level. After the change, staffs opinion was slightly rejected by the managements. This is the main reason of the failure of the change. According to Nadler (1995), four types of organisational change are there. An Organisations response change is proactive or reactive way. Tuning and adaptation can involve minor or major changes, they are types of change that occur within the same period, and they are bounded by the existing paradigm. Reorientation and re-creation, on the other hand, are types of change that, to use Gersicks analogy, target the playing field and the rules of the game rather than the way a particular game is played. They involve transforming the organisation and bending or breaking the frame to do things differently or to do different things Tuning is change that occurs when there is no immediate requirement to change. Mybank organisational change is related to this part. Mybank became convinced of the benefits of a quality improvement programme for reducing cost. This approach to change tends to be initiated internally in order to make minor adjustments to maintain alignment between the internal elements of the organisation and between the organisations strategy and external environment. Adaptation is an incremental and adaptive response to a pressing external demand for change. Reorientation involves a redefinition of the enterprise. It is initiated in anticipation of future opportunities or problems. Re-creation is a reactive change involves transforming the organisation through the fast and simultaneous change of all its basic elements. Type of Organisational Change Incremental Transformational Proactive Reactive (Nadler et al. 1995:24). Reorientation Tuning Re-creation Adaptation Answer2: Organisational Change involves complex process. Managing this kind of procedure is entirely difficult because they are dynamic. That means complex processes are changing. In these dynamic situations, it is difficult to predict the consequences of its actions. Managing a set of complex activities, each of which is crucial for the overall success of change. These complex tasks needs to be completed effectively in order to change, involves achieve a successful come. Managing change involves four complex tasks. The four tasks are as follows. They are appreciating change, mobilising support, executing change and building change capability. Leadership Appreciating Mobilising Change Support L Building Change Executing change Capability CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODEL Appreciating Change Appreciating Change can give an idea about understanding the forces of stability and change in the organisation. This requires inquiry into routines and mental models that sustain the status quo. An organisation can be changed mainly in two ways. Those are unplanned change and planned change. The Unplanned change, which typically involves changes due to new ideas, conflict between individuals, departments or teams and political and power struggles inside the organisation. Nadler (1987) argues that political behaviour tend to be more intense in times of change because individuals and groups perceive the possibility of upsetting the exiting balance power. Planned change, the change has to be planned. Mybank case study involved the planned change. The appreciation phases aims to make aware of the (a) need for change, (b) consequences of changing and not changing and (c) options that have for undertaking change in the organisation. In the case study, the organisation recognised the neces sary of the appreciating change and understood if this change will happen in the organisation, can achieve cost reduction in house; using exiting staffs to improve the quality and customer service and bank can avoid the inefficient works. The senior executives of Mybank appreciated the change and convinced the benefits of a quality improvement program. Mobilising Support Participation, involvement, and ownership are the crucial for the effective change. The organisational change is both cultural and political involves change in mindsets. This involves influencing, inducing, negotiating, persuading and winning over people to the idea of change. The effective communication strategies are crucial to change management. Getting consent and mobilising support is not an easy process. It requires persistence and patience. Strategic plan have a very important role in mobilising support. Organisational change is a political process. Pettigrew (1972) argue that some may engage in political action for ideological reasons, especially when they are fear that a change may be inconsistent with their values. According to Jick (1993), there are three categories of people who play a role in any change process. They are change strategists, change implements, and change recipients. Change strategists are the people who decide that the organisation needs change and set a direction for the change support. Mybank case managing director and senior executives are the strategists. They are in the top of the position. But strategists cant implements the change. Change implements are the people who are implementing the change by creating new structures, rules, procedures in all process. These people are the middle people of the management team. Mangers, outside consultants and accounting firm are change implementers in the Mybank Cooperation. Change recipients are the third category and people whose jobs change as a result of changes launched in the organisation. These people are usually lower level in an organisation. However, the main success in their hands. These people can make or break the effo rt. These people at the front line directly dealing with clients and customers. The main success depends upon the consent of the people in the organisation. Mybank employees, general staffs, are the change recipients. In 2003, the senior management had failed in its intentions to mobilize middle management commitment and local staffs enthusiasm. The middle management fully activated, but management follow some autocratic style and management fail to adopt the strategy. Executing Change Executing change involves creating and putting in place new structures, processes or procedures. Execution is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of change. Obviously, if an organisation has not managed the previous two tasks well, its change plan or programme will never take off. However, even if an organisation has carefully thought through its change issues and options and has gathered enough support for change, it can still fail at this critical stage. Three critical tasks for change leaders to ensure focus and energy during execution: (a) creating cross-functional linkages in the organisation; (b) aligning policies, procedures and removing structural impediments to performance and change; and (c) creating new routines for continuous improvements and innovations. According to Nilkant (Year), a successful change effort requires: (a) adequate appreciation planning, (b) sufficient support by employees, (c) competent execution by managers, and (d) Change managers with appropriate skill sets and capabilities. Mybank staffs accepted their new changes. However, it was not successful in the bank in both 1990 and 2003. In 2003, they bring a new department and try to join the other department together. The Regional Lending managers activities were not accepted by other departmental mangers. This created a big problem in the organisation. Most of the staffs did not express any interest to new executing change. This is because they were not understood the new system. Who are interested this new changes, did not get any support from their higher level. Building Change Capability A well-known model of change management views organisations as going through long periods of stability punctuated by short bursts of discontinuous change. According to Nilikant (2006), mangers or organisations can build capability in four ways. Those are firstly, individuals and groups build capability. Secondly, individuals and groups build capability when they successfully execute challenging projects. Thirdly, building capability involves paying simultaneous attention to both action and reflection. Fourth, leaders and organisations can help individuals and groups build capability by providing a context that aids action and reflection. Self-efficacy is energy and focus for the capability building. In managing change, self-efficacy is a major determinant for success. Employees with higher levels of self- efficacy can overcome obstacles and challenges that are inevitable part of any change. Efficacy is demonstrated when individuals feel secure in avoiding pseudo solutions. Mybank fai led in their both approach. The main reasons are not cooperation between the staffs and management. Who are motivated in these approaches, did not get support from their top level. Staffs got more workload in their work and staffs were lost the interest to extra works. In this way bank cannot maintain capability. Change Agent A change agent is the individual or group that helps effect strategic change in the organisation. For example, the creator of a strategy may, or may not, be the change agent. He or she may need to rely on others to take lead in effecting changes to strategy (Johnson ET .al 2008). Middle managers and consultants are the change agents in the Mybank case, because they are working together with top level and bottom level people within the organisation. Transition Phases Mod Internalization, Reaction And Learning Denial Shock Depression Consolidation Testing Letting go Acceptance of Reality Time .Answer 3: People going through change experience a variety of emotional and cognitive states. Transitions typically progress through a cycle of reasonably predictable phases .this applies to all kinds of transitions: voluntary and imposed, desirable and undesirable. Often people have little warning of changes and they experience the initial phase of a transition as a shock. Feelings of anxiety and panic can determine their ability to take in the new information, think constructively and plan. Mybank employees faced the same problem when they heard about the new change. Denial phase characterized by a retreat from the reality of change. Depression is the reality of the change becomes apparent and the individual acknowledges things cannot continue. Letting go phase involves accepting reality for what it is. It implies a clear letting go of the past. Testing is more active, creative, experimental involvement in the new situation starts to take place. Consolidation stage progress in progresses in parallel with testing but to begin with there is often more testing and rejecting than testing and consolidating. Internalization, reflection, and learning transition is complete when the changed behaviour is normal and unthinking and is the new natural order of things(Hayes, 2010:216). When a new change program implemented in the Mybank, all the staffs passed in these stages. Some of the staffs were getting struggled and other staffs overcome all the problems. The primary leadership task in change management as creating a positive behavioural context that facilitates inquiry, appreciation, and change. Change management model identifies four core tasks. First, mangers need to be cognitive tuners to appreciate change. Second, mangers need to be people catalysers to mobilise support. Third, managers need to be system architects to execute change. Fourth, managers need to be efficacy builders to build change capability. Leadership Cognitive Tuner The main core task of appreciating change requires a manger to tune into both external business environment and the internal organisational setting. The important thing of the change agent is to understand the external environment and assess the organisational capabilities to address the external changes. The change agent should expose different way. The change agent should seek knowledge in all level and awareness of own metal models and assumptions important. The change agent should recognise the assumptions, if it is necessary or not (Reference). Finally listen other people who are disagreeing with the change agent and do not feel defensive or threatened when others challenge the ideas and thinking. My bank case, cognitive tuning was not effective. The management did not listen to the bottom-level staffs opinions; as a result, employees lost their interest in the new changes. The middle level mangers fail to express their feelings into the top-level management. The way of communic ation was not sufficient between departmental mangers and change agents. People Catalyser Organisational change has an element of loss inherent in the process, and it is a loss that is often deeply felt by employees. The Kubler-Ross grief model addresses the emotional issues associated with change. The four emotional stages experienced throughout the change process may be expressed by employees in behaviours that are obstacles to the process of change. By understanding the emotions employees often encounter during change. It will be better prepared to facilitate the change process (Reference). Kubler- Ross grief stages is applicable in the Mybank case. The staffs were faced the situation in the organisation. But the final stage of the Kubler- Ross was fail in the case, commitment from the employees not good. Between the departments problems created. Kubler -Ross Grief Model Stage 1: Denial People encountering a change initiative might be saying to them, I cant believe this is happening to us. Unresolved fears about the change initiative need to be addressed during this phase. Stage 2: Resistance During this phase, people could attempt to slow down or derail the change initiative, it must be able to spot resistance when it occurs and formulate sound strategies for overcoming it. Stage 3: Exploration If people are not able to stop the changes from occurring, they begin to role of the group are specifically defined in this stage. It is important that unresolved issues that continue to surface be addressed. If trust has been created among the group, then peer influenced can be used to encourage behavioural change. Stage 4: commitment Mutual commitment is established , obstacles have been removed .and the focus is on successful implementation of the changes The change management need to catalyse people by building support, manufacturing consent and facilitating cognitive shifts in organisational members. The change agents need to be communicators, persuaders and negotiators. The change agent prepares himself before engaging the people. For influencing the people the agent can utilise all the media and forums. In decision-making time, change agent role is important. There is no chance to run away from the situations. The change should get trust and respect from others, in this way they can develop the credibility. In the case study, at a particular level, the consultants engaged the people and they fail to utilise the forums and media in the organisation. The middle levels mangers did not get the much trust and respect from the staffs. Systems Architect The change agents need to create the systems, process and routines to execute the change plan or agenda. This involves setting explicit goals, establishing cross-functional teams and monitoring progress (Nilikant). In this stage, the change agent role is very important. In the organisation, he/she should clarify individual roles and contribution. The person who selected is SMART or not. Moreover, other team leaders selection responsibility will come under the change agent. Co-ordination between other staffs will come under the change mangers control. Change mangers need to identify the organisational past practices, procedures, and polices and it should eliminate them properly. Mybank change fails in these areas. The selection of the other team leaders performance was not good. They were not SMART. If they are SMART, the change will be successful. Under the control of the middle managers, conducted meetings but fail to share the new ideas and solve current problems after the change. Efficacy Builder The mangers need to make organisational members have faith in their ability to learn, overcome obstacles and engage in change. Jim Collins argues that the effective leaders do not motivate people. They help people motivate themselves. A significant aspect of building change capability is to build a repository of organisational knowledge that captures insights from peoples tacit experiences. Building change capability is closely related to the core task of appreciating change. Store and share the knowledge is very important for a change manager. Renewal must become as important as cash flow or profit maximisation. Organisational members are aware that change mangers are observing what they say and what they do, and they may be making judgements about them and their future role. Mybank case change management selected some people for the leadership positions. However, that staffs were not successes in a particular level. Some of the departments in Mybank were not given any preference to the change mangers. This is one of the reasons to fail change implication in Mybank and plan of joining of the two departments was not success. This was due to the inefficient leadership and responsibility by the change mangers. The change ag Answe4: Recommendation Conclusion

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Gershwin Essay -- essays research papers

George Gershwin was born Jacob Gershowitz on September 26, 1898 in Brooklyn, New York. George began his professional career in "Tin Pan Alley," a location in New York City where aspiring composers and songwriters would bring their scores to a publisher trying to sell the tunes for cash. Two years after he started work for Jerome Remick, George had his first song published. "When You Want 'Em You Can't Get 'Em" was not an instantly famous, but it did begin to attract the attention of some of the Broadway composers of the day. During this time of professional growth, George kept his job as a rehearsal pianist and studied piano, theory and orchestration with the best of the best. George's first big hit was a song delivered by Al Jolson in the Broadway musical Sinbad. "Swanee" became an instant hit and propelled George's music before the Broadway audience regularly. In 1919, George composed the music for La, La Lucille, his first full musical score. From 1920 to 1924 he supplied producer George White with several songs for use in the immensely popular George White Scandals series. Behind Rhapsody in Blue, George is mainly known for numerous songs, which have become a part of the American songbook. The full scale collaboration of George and Ira Gershw in as composer/lyricist began in 1924 with the musical Lady Be Good!. The musical featured songs such as "Fascinating Rhythm" and "Oh, Lady, be Good" among others. One song, which wa...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Curriculum as Influenced by Society and Technology Essay

The current trend of technology in the classroom can be traced back to the early1900s when schools and museums, as a complement to verbal instruction, began to use visuals aids including drawings, paintings, and slides. In the 1920s, as film became widely used, The National Academy of Visual Instruction was formed to help distinguish between films that were for entertainment or educational value. As technology progressed and the television was introduced, the educational system began to use instructional television. During the 1970s and 1980s the biggest influence in the classroom, to date, came in the form of computers. As the 1990s progressed, computers and multimedia equipment continued to become more affordable and they began to be used across the world. The trend of technology in the classroom currently consists of multiple categories including Multimedia, Internet and Networking, Computer-assisted instruction (CAI), Computer-managed instruction (CMI), and teacher training. As the current trend of technology in the classroom continues to be centered on the inclusion of computers and other mediums, it only awaits to incorporate the next big step in technology. The Ever-changing Technology Trend The abacus, the slate, the red pad of paper, it is amazing to view the ever-changing technology in education today. As a society, not only has our language and communication developed, but the way that language and communication are expressed has changed drastically. In Mathematics an abacus was used to solve problems, now a student can program a graphing calculator to solve problems for them. Some schools allow children to bring laptops into class with them, in other schools it is mandatory that all students have a laptop to bring to school. From having no computers in the classroom to having dozens of computers in the classroom has been an evolution of the educational system. Technology in the educational system consists of many mediums, and the history to the current educational system is quite fascinating. What remains to be seen is how the ever-changing, ever-evolving technology will impact the schools today, and how technology will affect our schools in the future. The view of a teacher as the possessor and transferor of information is shifting to a new paradigm in which the teacher is now a facilitator or a coach. These new teachers provide appropriate learning environments that engage students in collaborative activities that require communications and access to information that only technology can provide. Technology engages students, and as a result they spend more quality time on basic learning tasks than students who use a more traditional approach. Students who have the opportunity to use technology to acquire and organize information show a higher level of comprehension and a greater likelihood of using what they learn later in their lives (Impact, 2005). The integration of technology into the curriculum has been shown to decrease absenteeism, lower dropout rates, and motivate more students to continue on to college. This current trend of technology in the classroom consists of multiple categories including multimedia, Internet and networking, computer-assisted instruction (CAI), computer-managed instruction (CMI), and teacher training: Multimedia Interactive multimedia combines text, graphics, sound, animation, and video into a single learning environment. The hardware of multimedia can include: Macintosh computers, audio digitizers, CD ROM players, graphic scanners, and videodisc players. Since information is presented in visual and verbal modalities, individual learning styles of students are easily accommodated. It is not only a presentation tool for the teacher, becoming the basis for classroom lectures, discussions, and simulations, but it is also a reporting and reference tool for students in preparing class assignments. Example of use: There is an ongoing multimedia project that is part of the seventh grade science curriculum at the Baker Demonstration School at National-Louis University. Students choose a mammal to study at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, IL. They then spend several sessions at the zoo observing this mammal’s physical characteristics, behavior, locomotion, and its zoo habitat. These observations become the raw data for constructing a multimedia presentation about their mammal. Internet and Networking There is a clear direction towards using the Internet to open education to students everywhere. The use of the Internet ranges from making course materials available on-line, to using the Internet as the communication tool for the course. With the vast capabilities of the Internet, computers are being networked for communication, research, and remote collaboration. Networks can help to break down communication barriers and connect students and teachers with the outside world. Access to a computer, a modem, and phone lines frees students and teachers from the physical limits and time constraints of the school environment. Networking also allows them to send electronic mail, participate in computer conferencing, and access information from remote sources. Example of use: Students studying the solar system can send questions directly to NASA scientists. Classes from different parts of the world could read the same book and share ideas and conclusions throughout the reading of the book. Another idea is for one class to write cliff hangers and have the other class finish the stories. In some cases, classes have done parallel science experiments or conducted surveys and then compared results with the other class. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and Computer-managed instruction (CMI) (CMI) is the use of the computer to maintain records associated with student performance. This usually includes, but is not limited to, the results of particular Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) packages. As the student completes each lesson, the computer stores the progress, scores, records the results of all tests or quizzes completed, and it provides progress reports to the teacher. These reports, either individual or class-wide, may be used to rapidly identify unsatisfactory progress or weak areas (Harrison 1983). Example of use: An individualized curriculum could be written for each student allowing the teacher to more effectively utilize the limited class time available. These tools can help remediate students lacking in certain skills and allow students access to information presented in multimedia formats. Teacher Training Tremendous increase in technology-related in-service teacher training is taking place. Teachers are learning how to use electronic grade books and other teacher utilities to create puzzles, tests and quizzes, and other materials in order to assist them. Examples of training: After-school workshops conducted by the computer enrichment instructor and/or volunteers is one form of teacher training available, another is one-on-one tutoring carried out by volunteers or a computer enrichment instructor. Technology conferences attended by selected members of the faculty and teacher-to-teacher instruction utilizing those faculties with advanced technology skills also provides valuable teacher training. In addition to the technologies mentioned, the Education Coalition (TEC) considers the merger of computing, television, printing, and telecommunications as the most significant trend in education and technology. â€Å"Bringing them together results in the whole having greater impact than each individual part†¦ † (Lane & Portway, ND). Technology is abundant in the classroom today in many forms such as computers, the internet, DVDs, CD-ROMs, etc. However, technology in the classroom â€Å"can be traced back to the early 1900s, when schools and museums began to include visuals such as drawings, paintings, slides, films, and models as a complement to verbal instruction† (Summary of Major Events in the Field, 2005). In the early1900s, still and video cameras were considered to be the technology of the future, the likes of which had never been seen before. It was hard to imagine, at this time in history, that they would be used on a daily basis in the home, let alone in the schools. Contrary to popular belief, the history of technology within education goes back a lot further than simply the introduction of computers and televisions into the classroom in the 1980s and 1990s. Throughout history, many people have had high hopes of how technology would affect education in the future. Thomas Edison said, â€Å"books will soon be obsolete in the schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed in ten years†(Major Trends of the Decade, 2005). In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Thomas Edison was working on perfecting his invention, a kinetophone, which synchronized sound on a phonograph cylinder with pictures on a screen (Life of Thomas A. Edison, 2005). Edison dreamed that films would one day revolutionize education. â€Å"In 1911, he released a series of historical films about the American Revolution, becoming one of the first producers of films for classroom use† (Major Trends of the Decade, 2005). While his invention did not exactly revolutionize education, the modern version of inventions like the kinetophone is used on a regular basis in the classroom via television, video, and DVD. In the 1920s, film was seen as a progressive style of teaching, and was used in only a few select classrooms across America. To aid in the process of incorporating film into education, The National Academy of Visual Instruction was formed in order to help distinguish between films that were for entertainment and films that had educational value (Major Trends of the Decade, 2005). During this time, there was also an attempt to use radio broadcasts in the classroom; however, this trend died out within 15 years as there were often technical problems that could make teaching unpredictable. As film began to be used more often in classrooms across the world, the United States government had to prepare teachers for the advancement of technology in order to keep up with other advancing countries throughout the world. This was hard to do as many teachers worried about the fire hazards from film projectors and also feared that technology would one day replace them and they would no longer have jobs (Major Trends of the Decade). Classrooms would continue to experiment with this new technology for years to come, in hopes of keeping up with the changing times. In the 1950s and 1960s, the demand for instructional television reached its height due to a shortage of teachers and overcrowded classrooms. In 1959, the Midwest Program of Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI) was created and 34 courses were televised to 2,000 elementary and secondary schools in six states (Saettler, 1990). Students were able to watch and learn from their classrooms, and many schools that were unable to participate in the program tried to acquire it by borrowing from other schools across the nation. It was a big step forward for the educational system and later in 1990, Christopher Whittle created a more advanced version of this known as Channel One, a show that aired in almost 12,000 public and private middle and high schools nationwide, while reaching 7. 7 million students (Borja, 2005). Studies done on MPATI showed that teachers disliked the program and found it interrupted their classes, so it lost much of its attraction to schools. While teachers did come to understand the importance of bringing the world into their classroom, the same situation evolved later with the classroom interruptions and Channel One in the 1990s and it has steadily declined in its use in classrooms. The decade of 1960 saw the introduction of computers into the educational setting, although it was not in many schools as the costs to supply them was too great for most school systems. The development of computers would continue to grow in the ‘70s and ‘80s, when microcomputers became available; more convenient for schools and somewhat more affordable. These decades saw rapid advancement in the way of computers, television, and video recorders, making it hard for schools to keep up with the latest equipment. As the 1990s progressed, computers and multimedia equipment continued to become more affordable and were widely used in many classrooms spanning the globe. While in the past students were content and well supplied by having a set of crayons, pens, pencils, books, and a chalkboard, technology has quickly advanced over the years to a point in which no classroom or student is complete without sophisticated sets of computers, DVDs, scanners, and the Internet. Technology has had a great impact on education in recent years. The trend to modernize schools and increase the amount of technology in the classroom has become apparent with the passing of new educational legislation and an increase of electronic devices in classrooms. Studies by major universities have also been undertaken to look at the use of computers and other items in learning and the effect that they have on students. The impact of technology on schools has been both positive and negative. While educators embrace the idea and the opportunities that new technology provides students, the trend has caused an increase in costs for an already under-funded system. Keeping up with such advances will be increasingly more expensive as time goes by. This cost is worth paying; however, as the trend in the workplace has also been moving toward technology as well. Studies have been undertaken by universities and researchers to learn the impact and necessity of technology in schools. A research project at the University of Georgia focused not only on the United States, but on many other English speaking countries as well, including Australia, Canada, and Great Britain. This study focused on the incorporation of media and technology in schools and the impact to which it has had on students and learning. The researchers found that these tools â€Å"are effective in schools as phenomena to learn both from and with. † (Reeves, 1998, The Impact of Media and Technology in Schools) The results of this effort point towards the importance of technology in school, and make an argument for its continued and increased use. Legislators, voters, and school officials have also realized the benefits of giving students an education involving technology. In recent years, the number of computers and other devices in schools has increased drastically. According to a study done by the California Department of Education in 2004, there were 1,181,649 computers in classrooms across the state. At that time, this was approximately 1 computer to every 5. 3 students. (California Department of Education, 2004) The number of computers in classrooms is expected to increase yearly, although the data has not yet been released for 2005. As these electronics do not come to schools cheaply, unless through donation, the State of California, as well as other states across the Union, have passed legislation to assist schools in purchasing the items. An example of this is California’s SB 1863, which was a bill signed into law by Governor Davis in 2002. This act grants non-profit organizations, such as public schools and hospitals, the ability to purchase computers and telecommunications systems at a discounted price (Bowen, 2002, SB1863). With legislation such as this in place, it is easier for schools to afford the necessary items they need to keep up with changing technology. As computers and other items are introduced into classrooms across the nation, teachers are being forced to learn how to use the technology and software in order to incorporate it into their lessons. For some, learning to do this can be difficult, while for others it may be simple. The amount of time it takes to learn the information and skills needed cuts into personal lives, taking away from family events and other activities. These hours are often unpaid, and are done from the teacher’s own desire to better instruct students for the future. Educating oneself to use computers and other devices is also expensive. Computers and their components are quite costly. Many teachers have to afford to buy the computers themselves. Teacher salaries are not exceptionally high, and purchasing such items is not always feasible. According to the American Federation of Teachers: The average teacher salary in the 2003-04 school year was $46,597, a 2. 2 percent increase from the year before. This falls short of the rate of inflation for 2004, this was 2. 7 percent. When adjusted for inflation, the 2003-04 salary actually drops 0. 4 percent from 2002-03. (American Federation of Teachers, 2005, Teacher Salaries Lag Behind Inflation) Teachers are also placed in another predicament as workplace trends are requiring computer and technology skills be incorporated into everyday business. A teacher’s job is to prepare their students for the future. In order to accomplish this goal, educators must be able to instruct their pupils in the areas of technology. To do this, teachers must be educated themselves, and in such a fashion that the teachers are forced to purchase nearly unaffordable items out of their own salaries. Including technology into the classrooms is important. Teaching students to use these items is beneficial to them and their futures. However, getting the tools to all students is difficult as funding is limited. Underprivileged schools tend to be less likely to have the computers that they need as funding is simply not available for them. This contributes to the problem of the technological divide, in which students from lower income areas do not have the equipment or skills to keep up with students in better neighborhoods and situations. In 1998, the incorporation of technology in schools cost roughly 16 billion dollars (Reeves, 1998, The Impact of Media and Technology in Schools). This money comes mostly from federal funding, but according to the study at the University of Georgia, it will not be enough to keep up with future needs. Technology in the schools is important. The inclusion of computers and other media in education of students will have a drastic impact on their future. These items are expensive but needed. Legislators are passing actions that will allow for funding to be available to purchase these items and place them into classrooms. In order for teachers to keep up with advancements in education, they have to learn to use the technology themselves. This takes their time away for other activities which they participate in and it can be costly in itself. The monetary cost of the inclusion of this trend in education is the biggest impact to which the system faces. Affording to pay for such material is difficult, as funds are hard to obtain. So, where will classrooms be in 10 years, 20 years? The question becomes where will teachers be? There are many proponents for online and virtual classrooms where a school room is not required, but there are many who object to this because school is not only where a child goes to learn, but it is also where a child goes in order to learn how to function in society. Currently in California, a new program has been implemented into high schools, it is the virtual enterprise, which gives students the opportunity to learn about business. However â€Å"there are no textbooks in the virtual enterprise (VE) programs. The classrooms don’t have the average-looking furniture; the furniture generally consists of cubicles, office desks, computers, fax machines and telephones. The teacher is called the coordinator, and the daily instruction is conducted with direct input from appoint company officers† (Tekaat-Davey, 2006). This form of environment is giving children a look into a more corporate environment, and for those students interested in a corporate world it is a very interesting form of education, and it is giving students a heads-up into how the â€Å"real-world† functions. Often, it takes a lengthy period of time for schools to implement new technologies because of the money constraints, however â€Å"a unique component of VE is the fact that it is very cost effective for the respective sites† (Tekaat-Davey, 2006). Many businesses donate the computers and other supplies that are needed in order to make the virtual enterprise environment work. This is an innovative approach that is giving the teacher a different role, but it may take on force because it is so much more cost effective. It seems that the goal of the future is to show children how to integrate technology into their lives effectively. Another aspect of technology is how small it makes the world, everything is so much closer through computers now, and students are going to be taught how best to interact and learn about different cultures, but schools in the United States are also going to need to compete more thoroughly with technologies in schools worldwide. Currently, 90 percent of schools have Internet connectivity and more than 33 percent of teachers have Internet access in their classrooms (Gahala, 2001). So yes, technology availability is there, but how to use it effectively is going to be the constant battle between teachers and technology experts. This country has developed in technology gradually over the years, even though sometimes it seems like it has been overnight. The growth of technology has been an ever-adapting process, and it is constantly changing. â€Å"Technology is not transformative on its own. Evidence indicates that when used effectively, ‘technology applications can support higher-order thinking by engaging students in authentic, complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts’ (Means, Blando, Olson, Middleton, Morocco, Remz, & Zorfass, 1993)† (Gahala, 2001). But, will technology change the role of a teacher is what concerns many teachers today, and the answer is possibly. â€Å"As students become more self-directed, teachers who are not accustomed to acting as facilitators or coaches may not understand how technology can be used as part of activities that are not teacher-directed. This situation may be an excellent opportunity for the teacher not only to learn from the student but also to model being an information seeker, lifelong learner, and risk taker† (Gahala, 2001). So, even though the process of education may change, the traditional principles still hold, teachers are there to be a guide and a facilitator for education and knowledge. It is a teacher’s responsibility to incorporate current technologies into the history of teaching in order to give students the best possible education they can receive. Technology use impacting student grades All four research questions considered how technology use (low/high) as defined by overall use, teacher use and student use in the classroom effected at-risk students’ classroom grades. Inferential statistics showed no significant affect on at-risk student grades for any of the independent variables—teacher use, student use or overall technology use. For all the independent variables of teacher use, student use and overall technology use, the 1st quarter grades are higher for high technology using teachers. But that trend did not continue into second quarter for any of the independent variables. Since low GPA is a criterion for being identified at-risk at the studied school, it is logical that these students had low grades. However, some of these students had no passing grades, which is equivalent to a GPA of zero. The grade point average mean for the 66 at-risk students is 1. 52 at the end of the school year 2000–2001. Any grade mean above a zero is an improvement for some of the identified at-risk students. A possible explanation for this decline in grades is a greater use of technology in the 1st quarter. The researcher informally observed that students are immersed in technology in many of the classes: Power Point slide shows, travel brochures, postcards and video interviews are being created for presentations. During the 2nd quarter the classrooms slowly returned to a more traditional style. Some teachers, in informal discussions with the researcher, said they are using drill and practice, word processing for writing, and Internet for research projects. Without the use of technology infused in the classroom teachers would never know that with more constructivist methods students could achieve at higher levels. From research on the ACOT classrooms, students use technology as a tool to collect, organize, and analyze data; to enhance presentations; to conduct simulations and to solve complex problems. One of the changes seen over this 10-year study is the change in the lower-achieving students; the ones teachers could not reach with the teacher-centered learning. These students began to respond positively given the alternate ways of expressing their knowledge, which not only raised their self-esteem but their status with the teachers and their peers. The at-risk students are likely to show improvement in academic achievement when technology is used in the classroom appropriately. The conditions needed for appropriate use of technology to improve education are: first, the successful use of technology requires teachers to face their beliefs about learning and the efficacy of different instructional activities. Second, teachers view technology as one possible tool that must be used in the curriculum and instruction framework with meaning. Third, teachers need to become risk takers, experiment with technology, help and share with peers. Fourth, technology can be a catalyst for change, but the process of integrating technology is a long-term challenge for the teachers. In closing on student grades and technology, from the ten-year study conducted by ACOT comes this statement: â€Å"teachers also discovered that students who did not do well in a typical setting frequently excelled when working with technology. Low achievers had a chance to experience success and began concentrating and applying themselves to their projects† (p. 95). This study supports the findings in the present study indicating that the technology should be incorporated into the curriculum in meaningful, student-centered methods. Conclusion The impact of technology in schools is somewhere between it’s the only way to make a positive change in schools to it’s a new fad. They see technology as a strong tool for positive change but it must be presented in the right ways. Steps must be taken for technology to make a difference. Leaders of the schools must include everyone at the beginning of the plan, not after technology arrives. Leadership in the school system must plan for technology. Hire a full time technology director, involve the school in the changes, and provide the services that are needed for technology to succeed in the schools. Teachers must change the way they teach. Classrooms must take on the student-centered learning methods. Teachers need to become facilitators. Students need to be allowed to use technology as a tool, which will enable them to collect, analyze, and create major projects. When schools are prepared for technology, the entire school benefits. The quality of the time for technology to be integrated into the curriculum is the key to student learning, not the quantity of time with technology. Technology is not the entire solution for keeping at-risk students in the classroom, but it is a start in the right direction. References Aitoro, J. R. (2005). No Child Left Behind. VAR Business, 21, 1-2. American Federation of Teachers, (2005) Teacher Salaries Lag Behind Inflation. Retrieved from http://www. aft. org/presscenter/releases/2005/100605. htm on December 15, 2006 Borja, R. R. (2005). Channel one struggling in shifting market, Education Week, 24(43), 3-14. Bowen, D. (2002). SB 1863. Retrieved from http://info. sen. ca. gov/cgi-bin/postquery? bill_number=sb_1863&sess=0102&house=B&site=sen on December 15, 2006 California Department of Education, (2004). Number of Computers Used for Instruction. Retrieved from http://www. cde. ca. gov/re/pn/fb/yr04numbcomp. asp. on December 15, 2006 Gahala, J. (2001). Critical Issue: Promoting Technology Use in School. Retrieved from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te200. htm. on December 15, 2006 Harrison , J. and M.. (October 1983). How computers can help the schools. Education Flip Side. 2(7) page 70. Impact of Technology on Student Achievement, The. Apple Education; K-12 Education. Retrieved from http://www. apple. com/education/research. on December 15, 2006 Lane, C. , & Portway, P. (No Date). Trends. The Education Coalition. Life of Thomas A. Edison,The. Retrieved from http://memory. loc. gov/ammem/edhtml/edbio. html. on December 15, 2006 Miller, M. and Cruce, T.. A 20th Century Timeline: Classroom Use of Instructional Film, Radio, and Television, retrieved from http://www. arches. uga. edu/~mlmiller/timeline/timelineintro. html. on December 15, 2006 Reeves, Thomas C, (1998). The Impact of Media and Technology in Schools. Retrieved from http://www. athensacademy. org/instruct/media_tech/reeves0. html. on December 15, 2006 Saettler, Paul (1990). The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ASQ Agile v Waterfall Essay

Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Lisa Sieverts, PMP, PMI-ACP Phil Ailes, PMI-ACP Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agenda †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What is a Project Overview –†¯ Traditional Project Management –†¯ Agile Project Management The Differences –†¯ Product Life Cycle –†¯ The Teams –†¯ Requirements –†¯ WBS/Product Backlog –†¯ Schedule –†¯ Risk –†¯ Quality Q&A 2  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 1 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What is a Project? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Temporary †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Goal †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Constrained 3  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What makes projects special? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Projects are characterized by uncertainty 4  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 2 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Traditional Waterfall Projects †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Traditional Waterfall Projects –†¯ Dates from the end of WWII –†¯ Grew out of Defense industry –†¯ Based on Deming Cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act –†¯ Emphasizes heavy up-front analysis –†¯ Lots of documentation –†¯ PMBOK versions 1-4  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Traditional Waterfall Project High Medium Requirements Low Optional High Design Medium Low Optional High Development Medium Low Optional High Testing Medium Low Optional High Deploy Medium Low Optional 6  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 3 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall – Advantages 7  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall – Advantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Established Processes- Project Management Body of Knowledge †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Management Controls †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ (Apparent) Predictability †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Great for low uncertainty/high dependency projects –†¯ Construction –†¯ Update of established product –†¯ Maintenance projects 8  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 4 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall – Disadvantages 9  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall – Disadvantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Sometimes is more about the Process than the Product †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Keeps the customer at bay – by the time they see the end results it may be too late †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Project teams often become rigid and resistant to change: â€Å"Those darn users keep changing their minds.† †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Long product development time 10  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 5 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Project Management †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ The Agile Way –†¯ Experiments in the 1990s –†¯ Values self-organizing teams –†¯ No formal â€Å"project management† –†¯ Iterative approach –†¯ Flexible  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Manifesto †¢ The Agile Manifesto for Software Development –†¯ â€Å"We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Working software over comprehensive documentation †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Responding to change over following a plan –†¯ That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.† 12  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 6 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Agile Way Sprints – High Priority Features Integrate Test Sprints – Low Priority Features Integrate Test Integrate Test Design Test Test Develop Integrate Test Demo & Feedback Develop Requirements Test Test Develop Sprints – Optional Priority Features Demo & Feedback Requirements Design Test Design Test Demo & Feedback Develop Requirements Test Demo & Feedback Requirements Design Test Sprints – Medium Priority Features 13  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile – Advantages 14  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 7 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile – Advantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Shorter development cycles †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Customer participates, providing direct feedback †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Team-ownership – developers, testers, analysts and customers work together †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Process encourages and easily adapts to change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Improved quality because testing is continuous 15  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile – Disadvantages 16  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 8 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile – Disadvantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Lack of established processes †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Management resistance to change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Reduced (apparent) predictability †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Requires culture change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ It’s new – there isn’t a lot to draw upon 17  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Project Life Cycle †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Traditional: waterfall –†¯Initiate –†¯Plan –†¯Define –†¯Design –†¯Build –†¯Test †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile Projects: iterative –†¯Envision –†¯Speculate –†¯Explore –†¯Adapt –†¯Close –†¯Repeat as necessary 18  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 9 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Team †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯Sponsor –†¯Product Manager –†¯Project Manager –†¯The Team – defined roles †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯Sponsor –†¯Product Owner –†¯Scrum Master –†¯The Team – variable roles 19  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Requirements †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Large Document –†¯ Formal, based on analysis –†¯ Performed by Business Analyst –†¯ Completed before any development begins †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Small Index Cards –†¯ User Stories, based on conversation –†¯ Performed by the Product Owner –†¯ Completed â€Å"just in time† 20  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 10 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Foundation Documents †¢ Waterfall –†¯ Work Breakdown Structure 100 % of Scope 21  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Foundation Documents †¢ Agile –†¯ The Product Backlog Roman Pichler, Agile Product Management 22  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 11 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Schedule †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Built before work begins –†¯ End date is often †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Rebuilt every sprint –†¯ End date evolves based on team velocity –†¯ Focused on nearterm accuracy –†¯ Emphasizes regular delivery of working features predetermined –†¯ Strives to predict the future –†¯ Emphasizes delivery of the entire product 23  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Risk †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Inherently high-risk based on long product cycles –†¯ Emphasizes the ability to predict the future –†¯ Risk Register †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Inherently low-risk based on customer feedback –†¯ Emphasizes adaptation to changing environment –†¯ Risk Register 24  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 12 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Quality †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Testing is at the end †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Testing begins before development of the project –†¯ Testers work separately from developers –†¯ User Acceptance occurs at the end of the project –†¯ Testers and developers work together simultaneously –†¯ User Acceptance occurs at end of every sprint 25  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What’s Different? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Plan all in advance –†¯ Work Breakdown Structure –†¯ Functional specs –†¯ Gantt chart –†¯ Status reports –†¯ Deliver at the end –†¯ Learn at the end –†¯ Follow the plan –†¯ Manage tasks †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Plan as you go –†¯ Product Backlog –†¯ User stories –†¯ Release plan –†¯ Story boards –†¯ Deliver as you go –†¯ Learn every sprint –†¯ Adapt everything –†¯ Team ownership 26  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 13 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Summary †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Both Waterfall and Agile have the same goals: –†¯ Delivering a well- tested product that satisfies the customer within an efficient time frame that doesn’t leave the team worn out 27  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Questions 28  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 14 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Thank You 29  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Contact Us †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Lisa Sieverts –†¯ Facilitated Change –†¯ –†¯ 603.762.0235 †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Phil Ailes –†¯ Ailes Consulting –†¯ –†¯ 603.903.7051 30  ©Lisa Sieverts & Phil Ailes 15